Dajon Provides Support for Transition to a Home Working Environment
Our whole philosophy is about helping organisations remove the dependency on manual paper based system by transitioning to electronic document management. This transition supports a change in working practices. Staff no longer need to be co-located to manage and contribute to the business processes that they are involved in, providing the freedom to work away from the office and supporting a policy of home or remote working. In short our proposition supports clients looking to implement a home working policy and support infrastructure.
Our clients find that once they have made that transition they see some substantial improvements helping to deliver a leaner more competitive business:
- Staff productivity
- Reduced processing errors and paperwork
- Lower processing costs
- Increased processing times
All of these are important and measurable and enable most organisations to put together a cost justification for making the change.
Home Working Is Important in Both Cost Saving and Carbon Reduction
Home working is viewed as an integral part of any carbon reduction program, the benefits and potential savings are obvious to see particularly for larger organisations.
Cost comparisons show that maintaining a worker at home is often considerably cheaper than maintaining a permanent desk at the office. Desks can be shared and many organisations operate a hot-desking environment with workers attending face-to-face meetings or briefings for internal meetings or meetings with clients and suppliers. On that basis many organisations see home working as an alternative to operating large centralised office space.
Carbon emissions from cars contribute significantly to the carbon footprint of the country as a whole and in a home working environment workers no longer need to travel in and out of work. Not only does this have a direct affect on the workers living wage it also has a considerable impact in terms of carbon footprint.
Home working delivers additional benefits
There are clear indications and case studies that have demonstrated a positive impact in that worker productivity and happiness improves, resulting in fewer sick days and having a direct effect on staff productivity and staff retention helping to make businesses more competitive.
What are the contributing factors to an effective home working strategy?
Modern technology and IT systems make this possible and to-date this philosophy of home or remote working has been easy to apply to specific functions within business particularly the field based functions such as engineering, sales and management.
However, historically applying this to the more administrative functions such as accounts payable, HR, procurement has been more challenging for many organisations. The reason for this is that the many of these processes operated by the more administrative functions are often manual paper based systems that depend heavily on worker co-location.
Dajon provides the perfect platform for supporting home working
Dajon provides a comprehensive solution set covering the whole requirement from a client perspective:
Secure document collection
This means that all documents or post can be delivered to one central Dajon location for processing. This means that your staff could be working from home or other remote locations, no need for internal post.
Document scanning
We provide a complete range of document scanning services and solutions to meet a wide variety of needs. We scan all documents in bulk using our high speed high definition scanners. Importnat commercial documents such as cheques can be scanned and then delivered to the bank for processing.
Data Capture
We ensure that all documents scanned are stored with meta data for indexing and processing. This means that the digital version of your document is in effect process ready or compliant.
Online document management
Our document management system is accessible over the internet via any standard browser, no need for desktop installs and very easy to deploy. The workflow within our document management software means we can replicate your manual processes very simply and very quickly.
Document Storage
Document Storage if for any reason you need to retain the original documents we can hold those in long term storage. Regulation and compliance often dictate the storage needs and we can track the timescales, removing unwanted documents from storage once your compliance needs have been met.
Secure document disposal
Once your documents and records are no longer required; we will dispose of any documentation securely, provide a certificate of destruction and then dispose of the paper waste in an environmentally friendly manner.