Getting paid on invoices – quickly and reliably – is vital to every business’s survival.
Organisations are doing what they can to keep working capital longer – including stretching out invoice payment terms as long as possible – a known and continuing trend. However, invoice automation can enable companies to ensure that the notion of a + b = c – work is delivered – the invoice is paid – becomes a consistent reality.
Automation makes the invoice process quicker and simpler.
In busier times, getting invoices out probably doesn’t have the same priority that delivering on client promises and building new business does. However, by taking the “finance” hat off your head and streamlining the way sales makers, business deliverers and account billers communicate, invoicing becomes a more attractive, easily understood and intuitive part of the business process.
With digital accounts processes, such as those offered by Dajon, you can save your business a lot of time and effort, letting you get on with everyday tasks while taking adequate measures to ensure that you get paid much faster!
E-invoicing keeps you at the top of your clients’ minds.
People have a tendency to delay paying invoices that have been sent to them later than expected. Using automated invoicing to keeping invoices flowing at a consistent tempo helps set client expectations as to how your ongoing relationship will roll. In-built “set-it-and-forget-it” invoice payment reminders take phone call interruptions and one-off emails out of the vendor-client relationship. Not only does this help to ensure that client communication is consistent and friendly, it also reduces unwelcome interruptions and events where a misconstrued tone of voice or bad timing could further delay payment or damage critical client relationships.
E-invoicing adds a professional edge to your business.
A hastily produced invoice doesn’t compare to one that is professional, clean and consistent with every other invoice you’ve sent. E-invoices are surefire ways to build trust in your brand through aesthetics, intuitive layout and general appeal. Most invoicing software includes best practices layouts and additional ideas that are industry-proven. Though crisp lines and good graphics can’t replace solid client relationships, looking like a winner every time absolutely counts for something.
E-invoicing saves your customers time.
There’s a good chance that your clients are also busy and trying to improve their own internal processes. Providing your clients with options for online payment via e-invoicing is a definite win. Additionally, deploying forward-looking technology subtly communicates that they’ve chosen the right supplier and that you’ll always have their best interests in mind.
If you are keen to realise the benefits of quicker payments via automaton and optimise your Accounts Payable department, you can download our free white paper ‘Empower your Accounts Department’.