Frequently Asked Questions

Legal Services

  • What is an example of legal document automation?

    Legal document automation involves using technology to streamline the creation, management, and processing of legal documents. An example of this is the automation of contracts. By leveraging AI-powered contract management platforms, lawyers can draft, review, and negotiate contracts more efficiently. These platforms use templates, clause libraries, and natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to automate repetitive tasks and ensure compliance with legal standards.

  • What legal documents can be automated?

    A wide range of legal documents can be automated, including:

    • Contracts: Employment contracts, lease agreements, service agreements, etc.
    • Legal forms: NDAs, waivers, consent forms, etc.
    • Compliance documents: Privacy policies, terms of service, regulatory filings, etc.
    • Court documents: Pleadings, motions, briefs, etc.
    • Legal letters: Demand letters, cease and desist letters, settlement agreements, etc.

    Automating these documents not only saves time and reduces errors but also enables legal professionals to focus on strategic and value-added tasks.

  • What is legal process automation?

    Legal process automation (LPA) involves using technology to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks within legal workflows. This includes tasks such as document review, case management, e-discovery, billing, and scheduling. LPA solutions leverage AI, machine learning, and workflow automation to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. By automating routine tasks, legal professionals can devote more time to complex analysis, strategic planning, and client engagement.

  • How is AI used in legal services?

    AI is transforming various aspects of legal services, including:

    • Legal research: AI-powered research tools analyse vast amounts of legal data to provide insights, precedents, and case law relevant to specific issues.
    • Predictive analytics: AI algorithms predict case outcomes, litigation risks, and settlement probabilities based on historical data and patterns.
    • Document review: AI-driven e-discovery platforms automate the review and analysis of documents, emails, and other digital evidence in litigation and regulatory investigations.
    • Contract analysis: AI tools extract key clauses, identify risks, and flag anomalies in contracts, streamlining due diligence and contract management processes.
    • Virtual assistants: AI-powered virtual assistants provide legal professionals with personalized research support, scheduling assistance, and administrative tasks.
  • What is digital transformation in the legal sector?

    Digital transformation in the legal sector involves the adoption of digital technologies and innovative practices to enhance service delivery, client experiences, and operational efficiency. This includes:

    • Digitizing workflows and processes: Transitioning from paper-based to digital workflows, utilizing cloud-based collaboration tools, and implementing case management software.
    • Enhancing client engagement: Offering online portals, mobile apps, and virtual consultations to facilitate communication, document sharing, and access to legal services.
    • Automating routine tasks: Leveraging AI, machine learning, and robotic process automation (RPA) to automate document drafting, contract review, billing, and other administrative tasks.
    • Embracing data analytics: Analyzing legal data to gain insights into case trends, client preferences, and firm performance, enabling data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.
  • How technology is changing the legal sector?

    Technology is driving significant changes in the legal sector, including:

    • Increased efficiency: Automation of repetitive tasks, document management, and research accelerates the delivery of legal services and reduces turnaround times.
    • Enhanced accuracy: AI-powered tools improve the accuracy of legal research, document review, and contract analysis, minimizing errors and mitigating risks.
    • Cost savings: Automation and digitization lower overhead costs, improve resource allocation, and enable law firms to offer competitive pricing and alternative fee arrangements.
    • Expanded access to justice: Online legal services, self-help tools, and virtual legal clinics increase access to affordable legal assistance for underserved populations.
    • Shift in roles: Technology augments the role of legal professionals, enabling them to focus on higher-value activities such as strategic planning, advocacy, and client counseling, while routine tasks are automated.

Insurance Industry

  • What is insurance digital transformation?

    Insurance digital transformation refers to the process of leveraging digital technologies to modernize and optimize various aspects of the insurance business. This encompasses a wide range of initiatives, including digitizing paperwork, enhancing customer experiences through online portals and mobile apps, implementing data analytics for risk assessment, and automating backend processes such as claims processing and underwriting.

  • How is technology changing insurance?

    Technology is revolutionizing the insurance industry in several ways. Firstly, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data analytics enable insurers to analyse vast amounts of data to assess risks more accurately, personalize policies, and detect fraudulent activities. Secondly, digital platforms and mobile apps empower customers to interact with insurers conveniently, from purchasing policies to filing claims and accessing support services. Additionally, blockchain technology holds promise for enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency in areas such as claims management and policy issuance.

  • What is claims automation?

    Claims automation involves using technology to streamline and expedite the claims processing workflow. This includes automating data capture from claim forms, leveraging AI algorithms to assess claim validity and estimate payouts, and integrating with third-party data sources for fraud detection and risk assessment. By automating routine tasks and decision-making processes, claims automation reduces processing times, enhances accuracy, and improves overall customer satisfaction.

  • What is insurance automation?

    Insurance automation encompasses a broader spectrum of automated processes within the insurance industry, beyond just claims processing. This includes automating underwriting decisions, policy administration, billing and invoicing, customer communications, and regulatory compliance. By automating these repetitive and time-consuming tasks, insurers can increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and allocate resources more strategically.

  • Is claims automation the future of insurance?

    Claims automation is indeed poised to play a significant role in the future of insurance. As customer expectations for seamless digital experiences continue to rise, insurers must adapt by embracing automation technologies to streamline claims processing and enhance service quality. By automating routine tasks and leveraging AI-driven analytics, insurers can expedite claims resolution, improve accuracy, and free up resources to focus on more complex and value-added activities. However, while claims automation offers tremendous benefits, human expertise and judgment remain indispensable, especially in handling exceptional cases and providing personalized customer support.

  • How to automate the underwriting process?

    Automating the underwriting process involves leveraging technology to assess risks, evaluate applicants, and determine policy terms and pricing. Here’s how insurers can automate the underwriting process effectively:

    • Utilize predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms to analyze historical data and identify patterns that correlate with risk factors.
    • Implement digital underwriting platforms that allow applicants to input information online and receive instant quotes based on predefined criteria.
    • Integrate with external data sources, such as credit bureaus, medical databases, and property databases, to gather additional information for risk assessment.
    • Leverage AI-driven decision engines to automate underwriting decisions for standard cases, while providing underwriters with tools for reviewing and adjudicating complex cases.
    • Continuously monitor and refine underwriting models based on feedback loops and real-time data, ensuring ongoing optimization and accuracy.

Property Management

  • What is automated property management?

    Automated property management is the application of digital tools and technologies to streamline and optimize the management of real estate assets. By leveraging automation, data analytics, and smart systems, property managers can enhance operational efficiency, minimize costs, and deliver superior experiences to tenants.

  • How does property management work?

    At its core, property management involves overseeing all aspects of a real estate property, from maintenance and repairs to tenant relations and financial management. Traditionally, this process has been labor-intensive and prone to inefficiencies. However, with the advent of digital solutions, property management has undergone a transformation.

  • What is the property management process?

    The property management process encompasses several key stages:

    1. Acquisition and Onboarding: This involves acquiring new properties and onboarding them into the management portfolio. Digital tools streamline this process by facilitating due diligence, contract management, and documentation.
    2. Tenant Relations: Maintaining positive relationships with tenants is crucial for property managers. Automated communication platforms enable efficient interaction, from leasing inquiries to rent collection and maintenance requests.
    3. Maintenance and Repairs: Timely maintenance and repairs are essential for preserving property value and tenant satisfaction. Automated systems can schedule preventive maintenance, track work orders, and dispatch service providers, minimizing downtime and disruptions.
    4. Financial Management: Property managers must track income, expenses, and budgeting meticulously. Digital accounting software provides real-time insights into financial performance, streamlining budgeting, invoicing, and reporting processes.
    5. Performance Analysis: Data analytics tools enable property managers to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and identify areas for improvement. By analyzing occupancy rates, rental yields, and tenant satisfaction scores, managers can make data-driven decisions to optimize property performance.
    6. Compliance and Regulations: Staying compliant with regulatory requirements is crucial in the real estate industry. Digital platforms can centralize compliance documentation, automate regulatory reporting, and provide alerts for upcoming deadlines or changes in legislation.

Data Capture

  • What is a data capture system?

    A data capture system is a technological solution designed to collect, process, and store data from various sources. These systems typically include hardware components such as scanners, sensors, and mobile devices, as well as software for data collection, validation, and storage. The primary function of a data capture system is to automate the data entry process, minimising manual input and reducing errors. Advanced data capture systems can also integrate with other business applications, enabling seamless data flow across different departments and improving overall operational efficiency.

  • Who uses EDC?

    EDC systems are widely used across multiple industries. In clinical research, pharmaceutical companies and healthcare organisations employ EDC to collect and manage clinical trial data efficiently. In the financial sector, banks and insurance companies use EDC for processing applications, managing transactions, and ensuring compliance. Manufacturing and logistics companies leverage EDC to track inventory, manage supply chains, and monitor production processes. Government agencies and educational institutions also utilise EDC for various administrative and operational purposes. Essentially, any organisation that requires accurate, real-time data collection and management can benefit from EDC systems.

  • What is capture management process?

    The capture management process refers to the systematic approach to managing the data capture lifecycle, from data collection to storage and utilisation. This process involves several key steps:

    1. Data Collection: Gathering data from various sources using appropriate tools and methods.
    2. Data Validation: Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the collected data through real-time validation checks.
    3. Data Storage: Storing the validated data in a secure and organised manner, typically in a centralised database.
    4. Data Integration: Integrating the captured data with other business systems and applications to ensure seamless data flow.
    5. Data Analysis: Analysing the data to derive meaningful insights and support decision-making processes.
    6. Data Governance: Implementing policies and procedures to ensure data quality, security, and compliance with regulations.

    Effective capture management requires collaboration across various departments and the use of advanced technologies to automate and streamline the process. By implementing a robust capture management process, organisations can improve data accuracy, enhance operational efficiency, and make more informed business decisions.

  • What is a data capture strategy?

    A data capture strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how an organisation will collect, manage, and utilise data to achieve its business objectives. This strategy involves selecting the appropriate data capture methods, defining data quality standards, and implementing the necessary tools and technologies. Key components of a data capture strategy include identifying the types of data to be captured, determining the sources of data, establishing data governance policies, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. A well-defined data capture strategy helps organisations optimise their data collection processes, enhance data quality, and gain valuable insights from their data.

  • What is electronic capture and how does it work?

    Electronic data capture (EDC) refers to the process of collecting and managing data electronically, rather than using traditional paper-based methods. EDC systems utilise specialised software to capture data directly into a digital format, streamlining the collection process and improving accuracy. These systems can collect data from various sources such as online forms, sensors, barcodes, and mobile devices. The data is then validated in real-time, reducing the likelihood of errors and ensuring high data quality. Once captured, the data is stored in a centralised database where it can be easily accessed, analysed, and integrated with other systems.

Electronic Document Management

  • What is an example of EDMS?

    An example of an electronic document management system (EDMS) is Microsoft SharePoint. SharePoint offers a comprehensive suite of tools for document storage, collaboration, and management. It allows organisations to store documents in a centralised location, manage access permissions, and enable real-time collaboration among team members. Additionally, SharePoint integrates with other Microsoft Office applications, making it easier to edit, share, and manage documents within the familiar Microsoft ecosystem.

  • What is an electronic documents management system?

    An electronic document management system (EDMS) is a software solution designed to store, manage, and track electronic documents and images of paper-based information. EDMS provides a framework for organising and controlling documents throughout their lifecycle, from creation and review to approval and archiving. Key features of an EDMS include document capture, indexing, storage, retrieval, version control, and workflow automation. By digitising document management processes, EDMS helps organisations reduce paper usage, improve access to information, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

  • Why do you need an EDMS?

    An EDMS is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it improves document accessibility and collaboration. Team members can access documents from anywhere at any time, facilitating remote work and improving productivity. Secondly, an EDMS enhances security and compliance. It allows organisations to set access controls and audit trails, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and regulatory requirements are met. Thirdly, it streamlines document workflows, automating routine tasks like routing documents for approval or notifying users of pending actions. This reduces manual effort and minimises errors. Lastly, an EDMS supports disaster recovery by ensuring that electronic copies of documents are backed up and can be easily restored in case of data loss.

  • What is digital document management?

    Digital document management refers to the practice of using digital tools and systems to create, store, manage, and track documents electronically. This approach replaces traditional paper-based document management, offering numerous advantages such as faster document retrieval, improved collaboration, and reduced physical storage needs. Digital document management involves the use of EDMS to capture and organise documents, apply metadata for easy searching, control document versions, and automate workflows. By leveraging digital document management, organisations can achieve greater efficiency and accuracy in handling their documentation.

  • How much does an electronic document management system cost?

    The cost of an EDMS can vary widely depending on several factors, including the size of the organisation, the features required, and whether the solution is hosted on-premises or in the cloud. On average, small to medium-sized businesses can expect to pay between £5,000 and £50,000 for an EDMS, including software licenses, implementation, and training. For larger organisations with more complex needs, costs can range from £50,000 to several hundred thousand pounds. Cloud-based EDMS solutions often have subscription-based pricing models, with costs ranging from £20 to £100 per user per month, which can be more scalable and affordable for smaller organisations. Additionally, it’s important to consider ongoing maintenance and support costs when budgeting for an EDMS.

Company FAQ

  • Do we have to sort documents before we send them to you?

    It is not necessary for you to sort the documents before we receive them. The team at Dajon can perform that service on your behalf, if you require it.

  • Do we have to take the staples out?

    You do not have to remove the staples, or prepare the documents for scanning in any way. Our team of digitisation professionals will expertly remove staples, clips, bindings and do everything else required to get your documents ready for our scanning machines.

  • Can you collect from multiple locations?

    Yes, we can collect from multiple locations; either through our trusted partners or our own fleet of vehicles.

  • Can you label the documents how we want?

    Yes, we can apply labels and insert cover/header sheets to satisfy any requirements.

  • How do we get the information back once you have scanned it?

    There are several ways we can supply you with the data post-scanning, including but not limited to:

    • Transferring the data to an encrypted media device (memory stick or hard drive) and have it delivered to you.
    • Setting up a folder on our Cloud File Management platform, accessible via any modern web browser, and grant you access to download your files.
    • Setting up a folder on our SFTP server and give you access to securely transfer your files.
    • Uploading the data to your own SFTP server or cloud file storage (OneDrive, Dropbox, iCloud, etc.).
  • What do you do with the paperwork once it’s scanned?

    What happens to the original paperwork post-scanning is up to you:

    • The paperwork can be stored in our warehouse;
    • The paperwork can be returned to you;
    • The paperwork can be securely destroyed.

    Our scanning process is compliant with BS10008, and digitised images are admissible in court, so you don’t necessarily need to keep the hardcopies once they’re digitised.

  • Can you separate the document into sections?

    Yes, we can separate the document into sections. For example, if the hardcopy contains file separators, we can separate the digital files according to the separators.

    Another example might be a file that contains an index page or table of contents. In this instance, we could separate the scanned file based on the index.

    There are a few options when it comes to the format of the sectioned document:

    • Each document is presented as a single PDF, with bookmarks for the sections.
    • The document is presented as separate PDFs — one for each section — and the separate PDFs are collated into a subfolder.
  • Can you extract information from a document such as an invoice?

    Yes. We utilise advanced data capture software that can extract information from scanned documents. This information can include:

    • Monetary values (e.g. net, VAT, gross);
    • Supplier name;
    • VAT number;
    • Line item details (description, quantity, subtotal, etc.);

    Captured information can be pushed directly into third-party software (e.g. accounting software, ERP, CRM, EDM, etc.)

  • Can you scan paper larger than A3?

    Yes. We can scan documents up to A0 in size.

  • Can you help us go green?

    We certainly can. By going paperless, even partially, will greatly reduce your environmental impact.

Confidential Destruction

  • Do I really need a paper shredder?

    Owning a paper shredder is essential for anyone regularly handling confidential or sensitive documents. Shredders provide immediate, on-site destruction of documents, reducing the risk of information leaks. For businesses, particularly those handling personal data, a shredder is a crucial tool for compliance with data protection regulations. Even for individuals, shredding documents like bank statements, medical records, and personal correspondence can protect against identity theft.

  • What is the proper method to dispose of confidential information?

    The proper method to dispose of confidential information involves shredding documents into small, unreadable pieces. Cross-cut or micro-cut shredders provide higher security by cutting documents into smaller fragments compared to strip-cut shredders. After shredding, the shredded material should be mixed with other paper waste to further obscure the information. Professional shredding services typically use industrial-grade shredders that provide high levels of security.

  • How do you dispose of confidential documents?

    Confidential documents should be shredded using a cross-cut or micro-cut shredder. For large volumes or higher security needs, consider using a professional shredding service. Always ensure that the service provider is certified and complies with relevant data protection regulations. After shredding, the remnants should be recycled in accordance with environmental regulations.

  • How should you dispose of confidential papers under GDPR?

    Under GDPR, the disposal of confidential papers must ensure that personal data is rendered irretrievable. Shredding is the recommended method, using equipment that meets security standards appropriate for the sensitivity of the information. Businesses must also document their data disposal processes and maintain records of shredding activities to demonstrate compliance with GDPR requirements.

  • How do you dispose of confidential data?

    Disposing of confidential data involves more than just paper documents. Digital data should be securely erased using data wiping software or physical destruction of storage media like hard drives and CDs. For physical documents, shredding remains the best practice. Combining both digital and physical data destruction methods ensures comprehensive protection against data breaches.

  • How much does it cost to shred documents in the UK?

    The cost of shredding documents in the UK can vary based on the volume of documents, the level of security required, and the service provider. On average, professional shredding services charge between £3 to £25 per box of documents. For larger volumes, some companies offer bulk pricing, which can be more cost-effective. Mobile shredding services, where a truck comes to your location and shreds documents on-site, typically cost around £100 to £150 per visit. These costs can fluctuate depending on the specific needs and geographic location.

  • What is the most cost-effective way to shred documents?

    For small businesses or individuals with minimal shredding needs, purchasing a personal or office shredder can be the most cost-effective solution. A basic cross-cut shredder suitable for light use can cost between £30 and £60. For higher security needs or larger volumes, a more robust model may be necessary, costing between £100 and £200. For businesses with significant shredding needs, outsourcing to a professional shredding service can be more economical in the long run, especially if bulk shredding discounts are available.

Tape Storage

  • What is offsite tape storage?

    Offsite tape storage involves storing backup tapes at a location separate from the primary business site. These tapes, which contain critical business data, are physically transported to and stored in a secure, climate-controlled facility designed to protect them from environmental hazards, theft, and other potential threats. This method ensures that even if a disaster strikes the primary site, the data remains safe and recoverable.

  • What is offsite tape vaulting?

    Offsite tape vaulting is a specialized form of offsite tape storage that includes additional security and management features. Vaulting services typically involve the regular transportation of backup tapes to an offsite facility, where they are catalogued, securely stored, and periodically rotated. These facilities are often equipped with advanced security measures such as biometric access controls, fire suppression systems, and environmental controls to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the stored tapes.

  • What are the best practices for offsite tape storage?

    Best practices for offsite tape storage start with selecting a reputable offsite storage provider with robust security and environmental controls. Ensure that the facility is equipped with fire suppression systems, climate control, and advanced security measures. Regularly transport and rotate backup tapes to ensure that data is consistently updated and accessible. It’s also crucial to catalogue and label tapes accurately to facilitate easy retrieval when needed. Implementing a chain of custody protocol ensures that tapes are securely handled during transportation and storage, minimizing the risk of data breaches or loss.

  • Where to store backup tapes?

    Backup tapes should be stored in a secure offsite facility designed for data storage. These facilities should offer controlled access, environmental protections, and disaster recovery capabilities. Locations should be chosen based on their distance from the primary business site to mitigate the risk of localized disasters affecting both the primary and backup locations. Additionally, the facility should provide adequate insurance coverage and compliance with industry regulations to protect against potential liabilities.

  • What does offsite vaulting apply to?

    Offsite vaulting applies to any form of physical media used for data backup, including magnetic tapes, hard drives, and optical discs. It is particularly relevant for industries with stringent data retention and security requirements, such as finance, healthcare, and government sectors. Offsite vaulting ensures that critical data is securely stored and easily retrievable in the event of a disaster, system failure, or data corruption at the primary site.

  • Why should backup media be stored offsite?

    Storing backup media offsite is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it protects against data loss due to natural disasters, fires, theft, or other catastrophic events at the primary site. Offsite storage ensures that a copy of critical data remains intact and recoverable, providing a vital layer of redundancy. Additionally, offsite storage can enhance compliance with regulatory requirements for data protection and retention. By storing data offsite, businesses can also improve their disaster recovery and business continuity plans, ensuring that they can quickly resume operations in the event of an unexpected disruption.

Document Storage

  • What is the best practice for storing documents?

    The best practice for storing documents begins with digitisation. Converting paper documents into digital format not only reduces physical storage space but also improves accessibility and searchability. Organise digital documents systematically using a hierarchical folder structure and descriptive filenames to facilitate quick retrieval. Implement document management software to categorise, tag, and index documents for easy navigation and tracking.

    Additionally, establish strict access controls and encryption protocols to protect sensitive information from unauthorised access or data breaches. Regular backups and disaster recovery plans are essential to safeguard against data loss or corruption. Finally, ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards governing document retention and storage practices.

  • Where is the safest place to keep documents?

    The safest place to keep documents depends on the level of security and protection required. For digital documents, encrypted cloud storage platforms with multi-factor authentication offer robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorised access or cyber threats. Choose reputable cloud service providers with industry-standard encryption protocols and compliance certifications to ensure data integrity and privacy.

    For physical documents, consider offsite records storage facilities operated by professional document management companies. These facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art security systems, fire suppression systems, and climate control measures to protect documents from theft, damage, and environmental hazards. Offsite storage facilities offer secure, organised, and scalable solutions for businesses to store and manage physical records cost-effectively.

  • Why is offsite storage important?

    Offsite storage is important for several reasons. Firstly, it provides businesses with a secure and organised solution for storing and managing physical documents, reducing the risk of loss, theft, or damage. Offsite storage facilities are equipped with advanced security measures, climate control systems, and disaster recovery protocols to ensure the safety and integrity of stored documents.

    Secondly, offsite storage helps businesses comply with regulatory requirements governing document retention and privacy, such as HIPAA, GDPR, or Sarbanes-Oxley (USA). Professional records management providers offer expertise in compliance management, ensuring that stored documents are retained for the required retention periods and disposed of securely when no longer needed.

    Lastly, offsite storage offers scalability and flexibility to accommodate growing volumes of documents without the need for additional office space or infrastructure investments. Businesses can access stored documents quickly and easily through secure online portals or request physical delivery as needed, enhancing operational efficiency and productivity.

Accounts Automation

  • Is AP automation worth it?

    Yes, AP automation is worth the investment for most businesses. The traditional accounts payable process is often time-consuming and error-prone, involving manual data entry, paper invoices, and a series of approval steps that can create bottlenecks. AP automation streamlines these processes by digitising and automating invoice capture, data entry, and approval workflows. This not only reduces the time and effort required but also minimises errors and the risk of fraud. Additionally, AP automation provides better visibility and control over cash flow, allowing businesses to take advantage of early payment discounts and avoid late payment penalties. The return on investment (ROI) from these efficiencies often justifies the initial costs of implementing AP automation.

  • Can you automate accounts payable?

    Absolutely, accounts payable can be automated. AP automation solutions leverage technologies such as optical character recognition (OCR), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to automate the capture and processing of invoices. These systems can extract data from invoices, match it with purchase orders and receipts, and route it through predefined approval workflows. Integration with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems ensures that all relevant data is seamlessly transferred and updated, further reducing manual intervention. By automating these tasks, companies can significantly reduce the time and resources spent on AP processes, allowing the finance team to focus on more strategic activities.

  • What is AP process automation?

    AP process automation refers to the use of technology to streamline and enhance the efficiency of accounts payable operations. It involves automating various steps in the AP workflow, including invoice receipt, data capture, validation, approval, and payment processing. AP automation solutions typically use OCR to digitise paper invoices, extract relevant data, and automatically enter it into the system. AI and machine learning algorithms can then validate the data against purchase orders and receipts, flagging any discrepancies for review. Automated workflows route invoices to the appropriate approvers, reducing delays and ensuring timely payments. Finally, these systems can generate and execute payment instructions, completing the AP cycle with minimal human intervention.

  • How will AP automation benefit me?

    AP automation offers numerous benefits that can significantly improve your business operations. Firstly, it enhances efficiency by reducing manual tasks and accelerating the invoice processing cycle. This leads to faster approval times and ensures that suppliers are paid on time, strengthening vendor relationships. Secondly, it improves accuracy by minimising human errors associated with manual data entry. Automated systems can also detect and prevent duplicate payments and fraud, enhancing financial control and compliance. Thirdly, AP automation provides better visibility and reporting capabilities. With real-time access to invoice and payment data, businesses can monitor cash flow, manage working capital more effectively, and make informed financial decisions. Lastly, the cost savings from reduced labour, paper, and storage expenses, combined with potential early payment discounts, contribute to a strong ROI.

Digital Mailroom

  • What are digital mailroom services?

    Digital mailroom services involve the digitisation and automation of incoming mail processes within an organisation. Instead of physical mail being sorted, distributed, and processed manually, digital mailroom solutions leverage advanced technologies such as optical character recognition (OCR), document scanning, and workflow automation to convert incoming mail into digital format, streamline processing, and facilitate efficient distribution to relevant recipients.

  • What is the benefit of digital mailroom?

    The benefits of digital mailroom solutions are manifold. Firstly, digital mailroom services eliminate the need for manual handling and processing of physical mail, reducing the risk of errors, delays, and loss of documents. By digitising incoming mail, organisations can streamline workflows, improve collaboration, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

    Additionally, digital mailroom solutions offer greater flexibility and accessibility, allowing employees to access mail remotely from any location with internet connectivity. This not only improves productivity but also enables organisations to adopt flexible work arrangements such as remote work and telecommuting without compromising mail management processes.

  • How does a digital mailbox work?

    A digital mailbox functions as a centralised platform for receiving, managing, and accessing digital mail. When physical mail is received, it is digitised through scanning and OCR technology, converting paper documents into searchable, electronic files. These digital documents are then stored securely in the digital mailbox, where they can be accessed, viewed, and processed by authorised users.

    Digital mailboxes often feature advanced functionalities such as automatic document classification, routing, and workflow automation, enabling seamless integration with existing business processes. Users can receive notifications of new mail, collaborate on documents, and track mail delivery status in real-time, enhancing visibility and control over mail management processes.

  • What is a mailroom management system?

    A mailroom management system is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline and automate mailroom operations within an organisation. These systems typically encompass a range of functionalities, including mail receipt and tracking, document scanning and digitisation, workflow automation, and reporting and analytics.

    Mailroom management systems enable organisations to optimise mail processing workflows, improve efficiency, and enhance mailroom productivity. By centralising mail management processes and providing visibility into mail status and delivery, these systems empower organisations to better manage incoming mail volumes, reduce processing times, and ensure timely and accurate delivery of mail to recipients.

  • How does a digital mailroom increase productivity?

    Digital mailroom solutions are instrumental in increasing productivity by eliminating manual, paper-based processes and streamlining mail management workflows. By digitising incoming mail, organisations can reduce the time and effort required for mail sorting, distribution, and processing, freeing up valuable resources for more strategic and value-added tasks.

    Furthermore, digital mailroom solutions enable faster and more efficient access to mail, allowing employees to retrieve and act upon mail quickly and easily from any location. This not only improves response times but also facilitates collaboration and decision-making, driving overall productivity and efficiency within the organisation.

    Digital mailroom services offer a transformative approach to mail management, enabling organisations to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance productivity in today’s digital age. By leveraging advanced technologies and automation solutions, businesses can optimise mailroom operations, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Whether for small businesses or large enterprises, digital mailroom services represent a strategic investment in digital transformation and operational excellence.

Process Automation

  • What is the best way to store old documents?

    The best way to store old documents depends on factors such as the volume of documents, their level of importance, and regulatory requirements. For digital documents, consider cloud storage solutions or dedicated servers with ample storage capacity and robust security measures. Cloud storage offers scalability, accessibility, and data redundancy, making it an ideal option for long-term preservation of old documents.

    For physical documents, choose archival-quality storage solutions such as acid-free boxes, folders, and sleeves to protect against degradation and deterioration. Store old documents in a climate-controlled environment with controlled humidity and temperature to prevent Mold, mildew, and insect infestation. Implement a cataloguing system to track the location and condition of archived documents for easy retrieval when needed.

  • What are process automation services?

    Process automation services encompass a range of technologies and methodologies designed to automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and enhance efficiency within an organisation. These services leverage cutting-edge technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to automate mundane, rule-based processes, freeing up human resources for more strategic and value-added activities.

  • What is the difference between RPA and BPA?

    Robotic process automation (RPA) focuses on automating repetitive, rules-based tasks performed by humans, mimicking human actions within digital systems. RPA bots can perform tasks such as data entry, form processing, and report generation with speed and accuracy, leading to significant time and cost savings.

    Business process automation (BPA), on the other hand, involves automating entire business processes from end to end, including both manual and automated tasks. BPA aims to optimise workflows, improve collaboration, and enhance overall business performance by integrating disparate systems and automating complex processes across departments and functions.

  • What are examples of process automation?

    Examples of process automation abound across various industries and functions. In finance and accounting, for instance, invoice processing, expense management, and payroll processing can be automated using RPA bots, reducing errors, and accelerating cycle times. In customer service, chatbots powered by AI can automate responses to frequently asked questions, providing round-the-clock support to customers.

  • How do you manage process flow?

    Managing process flow involves mapping out the sequence of tasks, decisions, and interactions that comprise a business process, from initiation to completion. This typically involves documenting process flows using visual tools such as flowcharts or process mapping software, identifying bottlenecks, and optimising workflows to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

  • What is the meaning of process flow management?

    Process flow management refers to the systematic management and optimisation of business processes to achieve desired outcomes. This includes designing, implementing, and monitoring process flows, identifying opportunities for improvement, and implementing changes to streamline workflows and enhance performance. Process flow management is essential for driving operational excellence and achieving strategic objectives.

  • What is the difference between workflow and process flow?

    While often used interchangeably, workflow and process flow refer to distinct aspects of business operations. Workflow refers to the sequence of tasks, activities, and approvals that comprise a specific process or operation. It focuses on the execution and coordination of tasks within a defined process, ensuring that work progresses smoothly from one stage to the next.

    Process flow, on the other hand, encompasses the broader sequence of activities and interactions that make up an entire business process, spanning multiple workflows and departments. Process flow illustrates the end-to-end journey of a process, from initiation to completion, providing a holistic view of how work flows through an organisation.

  • How do companies automate processes?

    Companies automate processes by leveraging a combination of technologies, tools, and methodologies tailored to their specific needs and objectives. This may involve implementing RPA software to automate repetitive tasks, integrating disparate systems and applications to enable seamless data exchange, and deploying AI and machine learning algorithms to optimise decision-making and enhance process efficiency.

    Furthermore, companies may engage process automation consultants or specialists to assess current processes, identify automation opportunities, and design customised solutions aligned with business goals. By embracing process automation, companies can streamline operations, drive innovation, and gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business environment.

Paperless Office

  • How to convert a company to paperless?
    1. Assess Current Practices: Conduct a thorough evaluation of existing paper-based processes and identify areas ripe for digitisation. Determine which documents can be digitised and establish a roadmap for the transition.
    2. Invest in Technology: Implement robust document management software and cloud storage solutions to facilitate seamless digitisation. Ensure that the chosen tools align with the organisation’s needs and security requirements.
    3. Employee Training and Buy-In: Provide comprehensive training sessions to familiarise employees with the new digital workflows and tools. Encourage buy-in by highlighting the benefits of going paperless, such as increased efficiency and reduced clutter.
  • How do I start paperless?
    1. Digitise Existing Documents: Begin by scanning and digitising paper documents using high-quality scanners or document digitisation services. Organise digital files into logical folders and establish naming conventions for easy retrieval.
    2. Implement Electronic Signatures: Adopt electronic signature solutions to streamline approval processes and eliminate the need for physical paperwork. Electronic signatures are legally binding and offer a secure alternative to traditional signatures.
    3. Transition to Digital Communication: Encourage the use of email, instant messaging, and collaborative platforms for internal and external communication. Minimise the reliance on printed memos, letters, and faxes to reduce paper waste.
  • How do I move to a paperless office?
    1. Set Clear Objectives: Define clear objectives and timelines for the transition to a paperless office. Communicate these goals to employees and stakeholders to ensure alignment and commitment to the process.
    2. Gradual Implementation: Start by digitising one department or process at a time to avoid overwhelming employees. Monitor progress closely and make adjustments as needed based on feedback and challenges encountered.
    3. Continuous Improvement: Continuously evaluate and refine digital workflows to optimise efficiency and effectiveness. Solicit feedback from employees and leverage analytics to identify areas for improvement.
  • How do I set up a paperless office filing system?
    1. Organise Digital Folders: Establish a hierarchical folder structure that mirrors the organisation’s workflow and document categories. Use descriptive filenames and metadata to facilitate search and retrieval.
    2. Implement Version Control: Utilise document management software with version control capabilities to track changes and revisions. Ensure that employees are aware of versioning protocols to prevent confusion and errors.
    3. Backup and Security Measures: Implement robust backup and security measures to protect sensitive information and ensure data integrity. Regularly backup digital files to secure servers or cloud storage platforms to mitigate the risk of data loss.
  • How to store paperwork digitally?
    1. Choose the Right Tools: Invest in high-quality scanners capable of capturing clear and legible digital copies of documents. Consider features such as automatic document feeders and optical character recognition (OCR) for enhanced efficiency.
    2. Organise Digital Archives: Create a centralised digital archive for storing digitised paperwork, categorising documents based on type, date, and relevance. Implement a systematic naming convention to facilitate quick retrieval.
    3. Metadata and Keywords: Assign relevant metadata and keywords to digital documents to enhance searchability and categorisation. Leverage document management software with robust indexing capabilities to streamline the retrieval process.
  • What does a paperless office require?
    1. Document Management Software: Invest in reliable document management software to facilitate the organisation, retrieval, and sharing of digital documents. Choose a solution that offers robust security features and customisable workflows.
    2. Cloud Storage Solutions: Utilise cloud storage platforms to securely store and access digital files from anywhere, anytime. Opt for reputable providers that offer scalable storage options and encryption to safeguard sensitive data.
    3. Collaborative Tools: Implement collaborative tools and platforms that enable real-time editing and collaboration on digital documents. Foster a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing to maximise the benefits of digitisation.
  • Why is it a good idea to be paperless at work?
    1. Cost Efficiency: Printing, storing, and managing paper documents incur significant expenses over time. By going paperless, businesses can eliminate these costs associated with paper, ink, printers, and storage space.
    2. Enhanced Productivity: Digital documents can be accessed, shared, and edited with ease, leading to streamlined workflows and quicker decision-making processes. Employees spend less time searching for physical documents, allowing them to focus on more value-added tasks.
    3. Environmental Sustainability: Reducing paper consumption translates to a smaller carbon footprint. By opting for digital alternatives, businesses contribute to conservation efforts and promote eco-friendly practices.

Historical Scanning

  • What is the best way to archive digital files?

    The best way to archive digital files is to follow a systematic approach that ensures their longevity, accessibility, and security. Start by organising files in a logical folder structure that reflects their content and purpose. Use consistent and descriptive file naming conventions to make searching and retrieval easier. Regularly back up your digital archives to multiple locations, including cloud storage and external hard drives. Implement version control to keep track of changes and maintain historical versions of important documents. Additionally, use file formats known for their stability and longevity, such as PDF/A for documents and TIFF for images.

  • How do I create a digital archive?

    Creating a digital archive involves several steps. First, assess the documents you need to archive and decide on the categories and structure for your archive. Digitise physical documents using high-quality scanners, ensuring the settings capture clear and legible images. Apply Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to make scanned documents searchable. Organise the digital files into a predetermined folder structure with clear and consistent naming conventions. Use metadata to tag documents with relevant information, which aids in searching and categorisation. Finally, ensure that the archive is backed up and that access controls are in place to protect sensitive information.

  • How do you securely store digital documents?

    Securely storing digital documents involves implementing several layers of protection. Encrypt sensitive files both at rest and in transit to prevent unauthorised access. Use strong, unique passwords and two-factor authentication for accessing storage systems. Regularly update your software and security protocols to protect against vulnerabilities. Store backup copies in multiple, geographically dispersed locations to safeguard against data loss due to physical disasters. Access controls should be enforced to limit who can view or edit the documents, and activity logs should be maintained to monitor and audit access.

  • How are historical documents digitised?

    Historical documents are digitised using specialised techniques to preserve their integrity while creating high-quality digital replicas. First, the documents are carefully prepared by removing any bindings, staples, or contaminants that might damage the scanning equipment. High-resolution scanners, often with flatbed or planetary scanning capabilities, are used to capture detailed images of each page. Given their fragile nature, historical documents may require gentle handling and specialised supports during scanning. Post-scanning, the digital images undergo processing to enhance readability and may involve colour correction and contrast adjustments. Finally, the documents are often tagged with metadata to aid in their future retrieval and study.

  • What is archive scanning?

    Archive scanning is the process of converting physical archives, such as documents, photographs, and records, into digital formats. This process ensures that historical and valuable information is preserved and can be accessed easily without handling the physical originals, which might be fragile or prone to deterioration. Archive scanning typically involves high-resolution scanning, metadata tagging, and sometimes OCR to make the digital documents searchable. The goal is to create a digital archive that faithfully represents the original materials while providing enhanced accessibility and preservation.

  • How to scan historic documents?

    Scanning historic documents requires special care to prevent damage and ensure the highest quality digital reproduction. Start by assessing the condition of the documents. Fragile documents may need to be cleaned and repaired before scanning. Use high-resolution scanners, preferably with flatbed or planetary setups, to capture detailed images without exerting pressure on the documents. Scanners should have adjustable settings to account for various document conditions and materials. Handle documents with gloves and use appropriate supports to keep them flat and stable during scanning. After scanning, process the images to improve clarity, and apply metadata to aid in organisation and retrieval.

    Archiving digital files and digitising historical documents involve systematic approaches to ensure their longevity, accessibility, and security. Creating a digital archive requires careful organisation, high-quality digitisation, and the use of metadata for efficient retrieval. Secure storage involves encryption, access controls, and regular backups. Historical documents require gentle handling and high-resolution scanning to preserve their integrity. Archive scanning converts physical archives into digital formats, making them easier to access and preserving them for future generations. By following these best practices, you can effectively manage and preserve valuable digital and historical documents.

Digital Transformation

  • How Do I Choose a Digital Transformation Consultant?

    Choosing the right digital transformation consultant is critical to the success of your initiative. Here are some key considerations:

    1. Experience and Expertise: Look for consultants with a proven track record in digital transformation across various industries. They should have deep expertise in the latest technologies and trends.
    2. Understanding of Your Industry: A consultant with experience in your specific industry will understand your unique challenges and opportunities.
    3. Comprehensive Approach: The best consultants offer a holistic approach, addressing technology, processes, and people. They should provide a clear roadmap and support for every stage of the transformation.
    4. Cultural Fit: Choose a consultant who aligns with your company’s culture and values. They should be able to work collaboratively with your team and communicate effectively.
    5. References and Case Studies: Ask for references and review case studies to understand their previous successes and client satisfaction levels.
  • What is Digital Transformation?

    Digital transformation is using digital technologies to change how a business works and how it serves customers. It’s about updating processes, culture, and customer experiences to adapt to new business needs. This modern way of doing business is not just about sales and marketing anymore. It’s all about how a business connects with its customers. Through digital transformation, companies are reviewing and improving everything they do, from their inside systems to how they interact with customers, whether online or face-to-face.

  • Where Do I Start Digital Transformation?

    Starting your digital transformation journey involves several key steps that are crucial for success:

    1. Assessment and Vision Setting: First, thoroughly assess your current processes and technologies to identify areas that could benefit from digital enhancement. Then, clearly define what you aim to achieve with digital transformation strategies.
    2. Stakeholder Buy-In: It is crucial to make sure that everyone involved, from top management to front-line employees, thoroughly understands the vision and actively supports the transformation process.
    3. Strategy Development: Create a detailed digital strategy that outlines the necessary steps to reach your goals. This should cover technology adoption, process reengineering, and change management strategies
    4. Pilot Projects: Begin with small-scale pilot projects to test the waters. These projects should have specific objectives and measurable outcomes. Use the results to improve your strategy and gradually expand.
    5. Continuous Improvement: Remember, digital transformation is an ongoing process, not just a one-time project. Continuously track progress, gather feedback, and make any needed adjustments to ensure long-term success and sustainability.
  • Who is Responsible for Digital Transformation?

    Responsibility for digital transformation typically involves various parts of the organisation, with key roles including:

    • C-Suite Executives: Leaders like the CEO, CIO, and CTO are essential in driving the vision, securing funding, and setting the tone for transformation efforts.
    • IT Department: The IT team is vital for implementing new technologies and ensuring they work well with existing systems.
    • Business Units: Each department needs to identify areas for digital enhancement and collaborate to make changes.
    • Digital Transformation Team: This dedicated team, which may consist of project managers, digital strategists, and change management experts, helps guide the transformation process.
  • Is Digital Transformation Hard?

    Digital transformation can be difficult. It involves changing how we think, using new technologies, and reimagining how we work. Some common challenges are:

    Resistance to Change: People may not want to change how they work.

    Technology Integration: Connecting new and old systems can be hard and expensive. Skill Gaps: Some workers may not know how to use new tools well.

    Continuous Adaptation: Technology changes quickly, so we need to keep learning and adapting. But, with the right help, we can overcome these challenges and get big benefits in the long run.

Bulk Scanning

  • How best to Scan Large Volume of Documents?

    Remember, efficiency and organisation are vital components to scan a document stack. Here are some best practices:

    1. High-Speed Professional-Grade Scanner: purchased to enable inhouse production
      • Automatic Document Feeders (ADFs): These help with scanning multiple pages in a document, which otherwise would take longer if done manually. There is a belief that doing large volumes of scanning can be completed more cost effectively if don by an inhouse Team, a  recent study by Dajon Data Management discovered it was more than 3 times more expensive to scan inhouse than to outsource the project to a professional digitisation company, when taking in all the real costs to complete the project.
    2. Options for Professional Scanning Services:
      • They are up to date with technology and combined with highly experienced personnel, scanning is done speedily and accurately. They can handle any kind of document size, no matter how large or even fragile documents that standard equipment might spoil.
  • How Long Does It Take to Scan 1000 Pages?

    Time to scan 1000 pages depends on:

    1. Type and Speed of Scanner:
      • A high-speed document scanner usually has a speed range of 25 to 250 pages per minute (ppm), so it will probably take 20 to 40 minutes for 1000 pages.
    2. Preparation and Post-Processing:
      • Preparing and organising the documents and post-activities like filing, organising, and quality checks are additional and not included in the scanning time.

    This task can be done by hiring professional scanning services. Most have better equipment and experienced personnel in this area.

  • How to Digitise Paper Documents?

    Some of the most important steps in the digitisation process for paper documents:

    1. Preparation:
      • Sort through all records in good condition and sort them into categories or by type; remove staples, paper clips, etc.
    2. Scanning:
      • Use quality scanners, including efficient high-speed document scanners, particularly for ADF bulk scanning.
    3. OCR Processing:
      • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) makes scanned documents both editable and searchable.
    4. File Organisation:
      • Give the scanned documents meaningful file names and maintain a logical structure in the set of folders.
    5. Backup and Storage:
      • Protect digital documents, ideally with backup copies, using cloud storage services that are accessible and reliable.
  • How Bulk Scanning Works

    Bulk scanning incorporates the following steps for digitising large quantities of documents within the shortest time possible:

    1. Document Preparation: Remove binding materials and separate documents into easily scanned batches to prevent scanner machine feeding difficulty, paper jamming, or breaking.
    2. High-Speed Scanning: Use high-speed scanners with ADF that can process documents in bulk, making the scanning process very fast.
    3. Quality Control: Review digital images for quality and correct any pages that are lacking or have poor scans.
    4. OCR Processing: Use Optical Character Recognition to convert scanned document images into searchable and editable text.
    5. File Management: Organise the files logically; scan them under a relevant name with metadata so they can be managed and retrieved easily.
    6. Storage and Backup: Secure digital document storage using state-of-the-art technologies. That’s why people prefer cloud storage—easy access and very reliable.

Document Scanning

  • What is offsite records storage?

    Offsite records storage refers to the practice of storing physical documents and records at an external facility operated by a third-party records management provider. These facilities are purpose-built to accommodate the storage and preservation needs of businesses, offering secure, climate-controlled environments equipped with advanced security and surveillance systems.

    Offsite records storage providers offer a range of services, including document pickup, transportation, indexing, storage, and retrieval. They adhere to strict security and compliance standards, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of stored documents. Offsite storage enables businesses to free up valuable office space, reduce administrative burden, and mitigate risks associated with onsite storage, such as theft, loss, or damage.

  • What is Digital Scanning?

    Creating a digital format of a paper document using a scanner is termed digital scanning. It is done by capturing text and images from a paper document and saving them as a digital file, most likely a PDF or image file. All the resultant digital files could be easily stored, retrieved, and shared, offering document management more efficiently than paper-based document management.

  • How Much Should I Expect to Pay for Scanning?

    The cost of scanning documents can vary widely depending on a few factors, which include:

    – Volume: The more documents that need to be checked, the lower the price per page is typically. Bulk scanning services often have discounts when it comes to bulk amounts.

    – High Resolution: A higher resolution while scanning can be costly, just the same as some other services such as the Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

    – Service Provider: Different providers charge differently; some even charge per page scanned, per box, or by the hour.

    – Document Condition: If your documents need extra preparation, like taking off staples or fixing tears, then these could be part of the costs.

    Generally, professional scanning services might charge between £0.04 to £0.12 per image for standard scanning. For high-quality scans or specialised services, costs can increase. To understand and compare costs and services correctly, it is best to get price quotations from a few providers. Watch out for hidden charges, as these can often push the project’s cost over and above your budgeted amount.

  • What is the Difference Between Scanning and Digitising?

    Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, the following aspects underpin each of them:

    – Scanning: This is the process under which physical hard copy documents are converted into digital images. The output produced is essentially a file in the form of an image, which, upon further processing, might not be easy to edit or search for specific information.

    – Digitising: This term is more comprehensive, encompassing scanning and subsequent conversion of those scanned images into workable forms. This typically involves OCR within the text to be made searchable and editable. Another way to describe digitising is to convert analog media into a digital format, for example, VHS tapes or audio cassettes.

    Put in the simplest of terms, scanning is only one component of digitising. Beyond scanning, digitising requires some additional steps to make digital files functional and workable. Knowing what digitising involves and the alternatives available could guide your decision on managing documents. Doing the scan or using mobile applications professionally would, therefore, result in a better manner of working documents. The level of costs may differ, but investment in scanning and digitising documents in whatever form to be utilised in long-term efficiencies becomes a fundamental way of later accessing information. By drawing a line between scanning and digitising, the files will be fit for specific needs and, therefore, more seamless to transition into a paperless environment.

  • How Do I Get My Documents Scanned?

    Thinking about scanning your documents? It’s a lot simpler than you might think, and you’ve got a few good options depending on your needs:

    1. Do It Yourself: Got a scanner or a multifunction printer at home? Perfect for handling smaller batches of documents right where you are. It’s straightforward and cost-effective if you’re just dealing with a few items. But if you’re looking at a pile bigger than a breadbox, you might want to consider a different route.
    2. Mobile Scanning Apps: When you’re on the go and need a quick fix, your smartphone or tablet can come to the rescue. There are plenty of apps that let you snap a picture and turn it into a neatly scanned document. Great for capturing a receipt or a handful of pages without fuss. Just keep in mind, if you try scanning a mountain of paper this way, it could become a bit of a headache.
    3. Professional Scanning Services: Now, if you’re dealing with a large volume of documents or need super crisp, high-quality scans, calling in the pros is your best bet. Professional services are equipped to handle big jobs with precision—they’ll ensure your documents are not only scanned but also well-organised and easy to access.

    Ready to get started with a professional service? Reach out to a trusted provider who will walk you through the whole process. You may or may not need to prep your documents —remove any staples or clips etc.., get them in order, and decide on things like file format and resolution. But don’t worry, they’ll guide you through each step.


  • Where is the safest place to shred documents?

    The safest place to shred documents is either on-site using a high-security shredder or through a trusted professional shredding service. On-site shredding allows you to oversee the entire process, ensuring that documents are destroyed immediately and securely. Professional shredding services often provide certificates of destruction, verifying that your documents have been securely disposed of. Mobile shredding services, which shred documents at your location, combine the benefits of professional shredding with the security of on-site destruction.